Saturday, June 23, 2012

Biking and Hippies! (Saturday)

Goodness, now today is Saturday. So much has happened, I feel like I've been here a month! I went on a bike tour through the morning to the afternoon, which was quite the experience. I swear, I almost got hit by every kind of vehicle- bikes, cars, buses, motorcycles, and a wheelchair. It was terrifying, but after a few hours I kind of got the hang of it all. It's interesting, here something around 40% of all citizens ride their bikes on a daily basis. So, to accommodate the crazy numbers of bikers, the major streets have a bike lane that is actually raised up off the road. So it's like a sidewalk that you bike on. The actual sidewalk is raised above the bike lane and you end up with three different levels on the streets. Anyways, I saw a lot. I'm not going to get into it. Just look at the picture below of Nyhavn (New Harbor). It used to be a seedy sailor area when Hans Christian Anderson lived there, but now it's beautiful.

 Oh! And we went to Christiana, which is this hippie anarchist society right in the middle of Copenhagen. They took over some abandoned military buildings in the early 70s and just started building their own homes, schools, etc. We weren't allowed to take pictures because they were straight up selling marijuana in the street and someone would have taken our cameras away (just so you know- the people of Christiana don't consider marijuana to be a drug, even though Denmark does. Christiana bans all other drugs. Oh and only people who live there can sell. Interesting right?). Anyways, besides pusher street (where they were selling the drugs), Christiana was beautiful. There were these forest trails that led to artistic and nicely painted homes. There were also horses apparently (the children ride them is what our tour guide told us). Oh my goodness and all these nice dogs with no leashes just following their owners around. It was all really surprising.

After the bike tour I wondered around and did some shopping. And, oh this is the interesting part- I finally stopped by this Mexican food place I pass by like every day, called Taco Diner, and ordered a chicken quesadilla. And my goodness that was one fine quesadilla. Maybe the best ever. It could have been because I was starving though. But it was so flavorful! It was more like a combination of a quesadilla and an enchilada (it had that enchilada sauce on top and cheese). Mmm.

And that's my day so far! I'm exhausted!

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